Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Yesterday when Evan and I were gmail chatting, I excitedly suggested that we go to the midnight showing of Twilight Eclipse. To my great suprise, Evan wrote back "Ok!" , his agreement was based on his readings that this is apparently the best movie so far in the series and has the most "action" scenes. So my sweet hubbie picked us up some tickets and we were all set for the midnight showing.
Well, then midnight actually came around and in my excitement I had forgotten that I haven't been up that late since I've been pregnant and there is a reason!!
Luckily, the theater is next door and once we arrived and realized we'd probably have horrible seats due to it being open since 9pm, I happily exchanged our tickets for a readmit pass so we can come back a different day. Hopefully a nice matinee show that is not filled with tweenie twilight fans

Saturday, June 26, 2010

1st baby purchase!

Well I didn't wake up early for those yard sales, but I did find my new favorite store- Once Upon A Child. I rarely shop consignment, but for baby clothes it just seems to make so much sense! They had so many amazing baby items and clothes that looked almost new and are soo inexpensive, I was in heaven.

I got 10 onesies and 2 pairs of baby shoes- all for $14!

While I was shopping, I realized that I had no idea what sizes to get. There were the newborn onesies and then the 3 month onesies, I got about half and half. I was wondering, how long does the baby stay in newborn clothes? Will I have a big boy that stays in newborn only a few weeks? How many onesies do I need? Lots to figure out!!

Oh and yes, I am now oviously thinking I'm having a boy after my "probably a boy early songoram". Evan is 100% convinced it is a boy and wants me to cancel my 16 week sneak peek ( since it is extra ) and just get the confirmation in the 20 week sonogram. I still want the 16 week just to be sure bc I am already now excited and super attatched the idea of a boy I'd hate 6 more weeks to go by and discover otherwise.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Prenatal Yoga

Last night, I went to my first prenatal class, and I loved it! The instructor, Barbara, was really great and I really like the studio- Yogani on Platt. There were about 12 other girls in the class with me and it was so nice to be around other pregnant people! We all went around and introduced ourselves, told how far along we were(I was the smallest and most recently pregnant one) and how we were feeling. There was one other girl who was a week ahead of me and she was sooo much bigger than me, I really would have guessed she was 20-25 weeks but nope! ( I almost wanted to say something about how much bigger she was than me, but I thought maybe she'd take it the wrong way so I kept my mouth shut).

What I liked about the class is that I think ( or hope) that it will make my labor/delivery a better experience. It makes sense to start preparing your body to be more flexible for when the baby comes. The different poses and excercies we did were great. Barbara even said that women that do prenatal yoga don't have stretch marks! I hope that is the case bc I plan on trying to do it as long as I can throughout my pregnancy!

No More Dramas for Me!!

The other night, I was so excited to watch Remember Me. ( maybe bc of my slight obsession with Twilight and Robert Pattinson is the lead actor)
Anywhoo, I bawled my eyes out at the end of the movie, and couldn't stop for a while. So Evan has now "banned" me from dramas for the rest of my pregnancy, he thinks my crying stresses me and the baby out. I guess I have to agree with him on that one.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mall Trip

Yesterday I had a meeting with the president of the HCMAA of which I'm Treasurer this year. We met at the food court at International Mall, and I had some time to kill so I popped into Jack and Janine. They were having a great sale - everything was 60% off. BUT that still didn't tempt be to buy anything! I perused the boy stuff, but nothing appealed to me. This is secretly another reason I wanted a boy first- I knew I would not be tempted to buy as much stuff- the girl stuff on the other hand is so so so much cuter-ruffles and bows oh my!
I'm sure there's cute boy stuff out there right?
I read a post on a new mom blog I found today, and she had gone garage sale shopping this past weekend and posted the cutest toys and clothes she had found- some that were marked orignially at $60 that she got for .50Cents!! I think I'm hitting up Craigs List on saturday to see if I can find my first baby purchase at some good ole fashion yard/garage sales. The cheapness in me will be satisfied as well as my craving to buy my first baby purchase!

PS Ok maybe there are SOME cute baby boy stuff out there! Pictures from the Layette Collection at Ralph Lauren.

2nd Sonogram!

On Monday, I had my second doctors appointment. Evan was able to join me this time. I was really looking forward to this appointment and got my hopes up that I'd be able to find out the sex of the baby. I met a girl a couple of weeks ago whod recently had a baby boy and goes to the same doctor I go to- the Womens Group, which apparently everyone goes to bc I ran into Lauren Alfonso there, they even accidently took her back for my sonogram!
Anyways, this girl,Kim, told me she found out in this appointment the sex of her baby!! My books told me the genitalia is developing now ( 13 weeks), so I thought "if it is a boy, they'll be able to see something, if it's a girl they won't say anything". Our sonogram lady was super nice- she'd been doing sonograms for over 20 years! I kept thinking that what a great job she had, she gets to show excited moms to be images of their babies all day!
Anywhoo, after much prodding of my belly to get the baby to flip and turn so we can see between his legs, she spied a "third leg". Of course, shes not 100%, but Evan saw it too!
I just knew it, the whole time I was looking at the monitor, I was looking at the baby like it was a "he". Evan had the biggest grin on his face- of course he was dying for a boy, and it looks like he may get what he wants!
Of course, I still scheduled a sneak peek sonogram at 16 weeks just to make 100% sure before I start doing the whole blue thing. She also said it could be a really big clitoris...Evan said hed tease our daughter if that ended up being the case, ha!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our European Vacation

1 week ago today Evan and I returned from 9 glorious days visiting my cousins across the pond in England. Over the years, I've made several trips, but this was Evan's first to England. We had an amazing time! The first 4 nights we spent in Chenies, where my cousins Pete and Kate live. Chenies is about 25 miles outside of London in the English countryside. We're talking fields of flowers, horses and cows right outside our hotel window, which was a great hotel to stay in. Check it out here- We had an amazing English breakfast every morning, which if you don't know, English breakfasts are the best!- fried eggs, sausage, very soft bacon( just the way I like it!), beans, fried tomato, mushrooms and toast- a pregnant girls dream!
Our fifth night we spent in London- toured the sights- Tower of London, Buckingham Palace ( which if you go to London I do recommend trying to go in August when you can actually take a tour), Westminister Abbey and much more.
Our sixth and seventh nights we took a (very expensive) Chunnel train ride to Paris! Another city that I'd been to a few times, but a first for Evan, and Paris is everything you expect and more! It was absolutely beautiful, we enjoyed wonderful wonderful food, all the sights, and the great French culture.
The last 2 days were spend back in London visiting more sights and spending time with family.
I'm soo glad we were able to do this trip before the baby arrives, as who knows the next time we'll be able to go?? I defintely want to bring the baby there but not until he/she is older and can remember it, so maybe a second honeymoon?? We'll have to see :)
PS If you are contemplating planning a trip, this is the time to go as the exchange rate on the Euro and pound is the best it's been in years!

12 weeks

Saturday I reached 12 weeks pregnant which means I can "officially" tell people I'm pregnant. Although, I'm not sure where this 12 week rule came from? My first trimester does not end until after week 13 so why not then? The embryo becomes a fetus in week 9 so why not then? I've not read anything that my chance of miscarriage goes down dramatically after 12 weeks but I followed this "rule" anyways. So far 12 weeks has been anticlimatic since most of my close friends and family already know. It is far more exciting for my parents and Evan's parents as they have now been able to tell extended family and their friends.
This week is when I can officially tell my boss and co-workers, though I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that? My personality is that I don't like that kind of DIRECT attention, I prefer more INDIRECT attention, if that makes sense? We'll see how it goes, I know everyone will be convinced that I will now quit my job since NO ONE has had a baby at my work and it is a very demanding job so I will have to convince them that no I'm not quitting I can do it all!?
One thing I'm excited about this week is that I stumbled upon GDIAPERS which seems to be the perfect solution for a Mom To Be like myself who has been sick to think off all the trash disposable diapers create but also knows the time and patience I don't have for cloth diapers. Gdiapers seem to be the perfect solution and I'm sold!