Sunday, June 13, 2010

12 weeks

Saturday I reached 12 weeks pregnant which means I can "officially" tell people I'm pregnant. Although, I'm not sure where this 12 week rule came from? My first trimester does not end until after week 13 so why not then? The embryo becomes a fetus in week 9 so why not then? I've not read anything that my chance of miscarriage goes down dramatically after 12 weeks but I followed this "rule" anyways. So far 12 weeks has been anticlimatic since most of my close friends and family already know. It is far more exciting for my parents and Evan's parents as they have now been able to tell extended family and their friends.
This week is when I can officially tell my boss and co-workers, though I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do that? My personality is that I don't like that kind of DIRECT attention, I prefer more INDIRECT attention, if that makes sense? We'll see how it goes, I know everyone will be convinced that I will now quit my job since NO ONE has had a baby at my work and it is a very demanding job so I will have to convince them that no I'm not quitting I can do it all!?
One thing I'm excited about this week is that I stumbled upon GDIAPERS which seems to be the perfect solution for a Mom To Be like myself who has been sick to think off all the trash disposable diapers create but also knows the time and patience I don't have for cloth diapers. Gdiapers seem to be the perfect solution and I'm sold!

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