Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Recent quotes I like...

I saw this quote recently and it's sooo true:
" The only time a woman wishes she was a year older is when she is pregnant."

From my Becoming Babywise book...
"A healthy husband-wife relationship is essential to the emotional health of children in the home. When there is harmony in the marriage there is an infused stability within the family. A strong marriage provides a haven of security for children as they grow in the nurturing process. Healthy, loving marriages create a sense of certainty for children. When a child observes the special friendship and emotional togetherness of his parents, he is more secure simply because it isn't neccessary to question the legitimacty of his parent's committment to one another."
I definitely want to make sure when the baby comes and we are baby gaga that Evan and I continue to have "us" time... I know I will love my child beyond any comprehension, but my love for my husband transcends... I guess this also means I don't like the child centered parenting or attatchment parenting methods I read about so often on other baby blogs..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The nursery? BEFORE...

This is what the baby's room looks like right now. Usually this is our guest room. Recently, the shelves in the closet collapsed from the weight of everything Evan has shoved into that closet. So out it has all come all over the floors and bed...waiting for Evan to somehow find the time between work and fishing to get rid of all of this SHIT so we can have a nice empty closet for all the baby clothes and gear we are soon to accumulate. I can't touch it as I'd get in alot of trouble bc Evan knows I'd basically gather it all up and throw it in the trash...this is stuff I think he's accumulated since high school and never had a spring cleaning to get rid of it.
I don't have high expectations for this room. I'd be a very happy girl if somehow all of this would just disappear.
If/when that happens, I plan on moving the bed to against the wall of the window, so there is more open space. I'm going to use the top of the dresser ( not pictured) as the changing table by just adding a changing pad.
The pink chair needs to go and replaced with some sort of glider. That rug ( if you can see it) also needs to go, maybe replaced by some sort of bluish baby boy rug. I'm also trying to sell the semi pictured glass bookshelf that was in our living room that I shoved in there bc I didn't want to look at it anymore!
The crib ( which arrived yesterday!)is going to start off in our bedroom and eventually will move to the nursery.
Oh and yes, if you can tell, the room is painted pink. I'd love to paint it a different color but Evan's not on board and, like I said, my expectations are pretty low at this point- I just want all that stuff gone!
I also think since the baby probably won't remember his room until he's 3 or 4 years old it is pointless to do the whole nursery thing and decorate it, but I do still think it looks nice and get a tad bit jealous when I see things like this, or this or THIS!
I hope to soon be able to post an AFTER picture.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

yay yay yay!

I am finally feeling little kicks, they are very subtle, and I'm not sure how it transitioned from feeling like indegestion to a kick, but I was staring down at my tummy after I started realizing it might be one and then KICK!
I saw my tummy move oh so slightly- how cool and wonderful. I can't wait to meet my baby boy!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

22 weeks!!

I'm 22 weeks pregnant today!
Here is the updated baby bump.
I love this stage of pregnancy for these top 2 reasons:
1) People finally notice that I'm pregnant and ask me when I'm due
2) I'm still comfortable- I can do everything normally and can still sleep comfortably!
PS thank you to Rachel for loaning me a bag full of maternity clothes- including the top pictured here!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I'm 28 years old!
Evan did a great job ( as usual) with my birthday celebration.
I woke up this morning to a new pair of RayBan polarized sunglasses. When Evan and I were in Portland, I tried these on at a store and really liked them. Evan was able to find them online and suprise me, long after me forgetting that I had liked them!
My other present that I picked up earlier this week is the Vera Bradley Barcelona baby bag, which I love love love!
And the deal closer- a Publix red velvet cake with cream cheese icing complete with pink and yellow roses and Happy Birthday Lauren message.
28 is looking good so far- I'm married to a wonderful man and have a baby on the way. Can life get any better than this? :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Boston Med

Has anyone seen Boston Med on ABC( thursday nights at 10pm)? I watched my first episode last night and was instantly hooked.

Be prepared to cry, like I did, for the amazing stories of the patients and all the hard work and care that the staff at the hospital demonstrates.
When I watched it, I was also overwhelmed with pride. Pride for what my hubby does as a surgeon. I always tell him I wish I could be a fly on the wall when he's at the hospital with patients or in surgery. This show gave me a real life glimpse into his world.

Right now since he's in research, he doesn't get to operate and I know he is dying to get back to the OR next year, but I'm happy to have him these two years of research. This pregnancy fit well into our "plan", fortunately, he will be around alot when the baby is born and can help out for his first 6 months. I know I'll be sad when he goes back to the craziness of normal residency and I won't get to see him that much, but I am so happy he has a career that he loves so much, excels at and can affect and improve so many lives.

I only hope we can provide the same opportunities for our son and he finds something that he loves as much as his daddy!
* Image sums up the best lesson fromEvan's intern year- how to fall asleep standing up!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


There he is, 20 weeks old!! He looks like a real baby now, just pretty tiny. He was bouncing around through the whole ultrasound, but I can't really feel anything yet. My ultrasound tech told me I have an anterior placenta so I may not feel anything for a few more weeks...I'm secretly glad in a way bc once he starts kicking I'm sure it'll be mighty nice but mighty annoying at times :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

What we've been up to lately...

We were woken up each morning in the Keys with these cuties wanting to play. Learned the following from these girls this past weekend:
1) Moms work much harder than daddies
2) Nap time= favorite time of the day for a busy mommy
3) These girls are WORK, but worth it:)

Evan had fun attempting to catch us some Florida Lobster, the credit mainly goes toMatt, who got pretty much all the catches, bc lobstering is HARD!

We spent Sunday afternoon cleaning and putting together the Bugaboo, the end product made me quite happy!

MMM, nothing like ending the night with some homemade pizza. This was our first time cooking our own pizza and it was very simple to make and delicious!!

It's Official

There's a baby BOY in that Tummy!! Our 20 week anatomy check was today and it was quite obvious right away- his penis is growing at a nice health rate, hooray! Oh yeah, along with the rest of him. Now, he just needs to keep growing for the next 20 weeks and gain about 7lbs.

PS Just had my Mamour tell me my Dad was a 10 lbs baby- holy moly!
PPS Sorry if my tummy pics are a little risque, but this is all I got!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Evan and I are in the Keys for a long weekend with the Schad family and the Masicotte family. Yesterday, while the guys were out scouting spots for the open of lobster season today, the girls had a lazy day of shopping, lunching and swimming in the pool.

The picture is an updated baby bump shot with Daniella, who is 5 1/2 weeks ahead of me.Daniella is my roommate from college, and our college day pictures looked a lot different than the one above :) Oh how things have changed, while Anna, Daniella and I used to spend our nights at the bars and up very late, we now have spent them curled up on the couch talking newborns, breastfeeding, and anything else baby related!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And a couple more...

I couldn't resist this onesie... Walmart $3!

And thanks to Natalie, for the cute Ralph Lauren onesie, love love love it!

Well dressed baby

Here's a mini preview of some of the clothes Aunt Vicki gave me! Most of it was shirts and pants/shorts, which was exciting bc most of my gear is onesies right now! I esp. love the cowboy outfit, it'd go great with the Cowboy Trumpette Socks!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Our Babies

Here are our current babies....they are very snuggely when they want to be. I wonder how they will react to the baby, and will I still have time for them!?