Saturday, August 28, 2010

The nursery? BEFORE...

This is what the baby's room looks like right now. Usually this is our guest room. Recently, the shelves in the closet collapsed from the weight of everything Evan has shoved into that closet. So out it has all come all over the floors and bed...waiting for Evan to somehow find the time between work and fishing to get rid of all of this SHIT so we can have a nice empty closet for all the baby clothes and gear we are soon to accumulate. I can't touch it as I'd get in alot of trouble bc Evan knows I'd basically gather it all up and throw it in the trash...this is stuff I think he's accumulated since high school and never had a spring cleaning to get rid of it.
I don't have high expectations for this room. I'd be a very happy girl if somehow all of this would just disappear.
If/when that happens, I plan on moving the bed to against the wall of the window, so there is more open space. I'm going to use the top of the dresser ( not pictured) as the changing table by just adding a changing pad.
The pink chair needs to go and replaced with some sort of glider. That rug ( if you can see it) also needs to go, maybe replaced by some sort of bluish baby boy rug. I'm also trying to sell the semi pictured glass bookshelf that was in our living room that I shoved in there bc I didn't want to look at it anymore!
The crib ( which arrived yesterday!)is going to start off in our bedroom and eventually will move to the nursery.
Oh and yes, if you can tell, the room is painted pink. I'd love to paint it a different color but Evan's not on board and, like I said, my expectations are pretty low at this point- I just want all that stuff gone!
I also think since the baby probably won't remember his room until he's 3 or 4 years old it is pointless to do the whole nursery thing and decorate it, but I do still think it looks nice and get a tad bit jealous when I see things like this, or this or THIS!
I hope to soon be able to post an AFTER picture.

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