Monday, September 13, 2010

The TO DO list, just got a little shorter...

Evan came home at 6am Saturday and I did my "world's best wife" routine and got up to make him breakfast. I couldn't go back to sleep so I did some internet browsing on Craig's list. I was very happy with my finds, and I drove all over Tampa ( literally!) to purchase and pick everything up!

This is what I walked away with:

2 big bag fulls of baby boy clothes, about 55 pieces in size 0-6 months, and about 45 pieces of 6-12 months. The lady who sold it all to me finally went through her sons closet ( he looked about 4 years old) and was wanting to give it to someone who would just use and enjoy everything like she did. I hit the jackpot with this one- she had so much cute stuff! and such a variety of styles and for every season. I thought cute baby boy clothes didn't exist..until now. The best part- $40 for it all! Will I ever pay retail again?

My second stop was for the Fisher Price Starlight swing- $50!! ( retails for $150) I love this little swing and it is neutral in color and will be great for future kids.

My third stop was for a Glider-$85, ( retails for around $200?) I found one in great condition that matched the furniture in our guest room. It is also very comfortable, I see myself sitting in this for hours rocking little C to sleep...can't wait!

My fourth stop- the Graco Snugride car seat- $60 ( retails for $150) I also like that it is a neutral color for future use. I think the baby will be able to use this for the first 6months. When I'm not using my fabulous bugaboo, I can take this out of the car and carry it for quick trips- like to the grocery store! I also went with the Snugride bc it is also compatiable to snap into our Bugaboo if we need to!
Phew...I need a rest from the shopping..until next weekend!


  1. did you pick a name and not tell me? little C?

    p.s. great finds! love craigslist!

  2. sounds like you made out like a bandit!!!
