Monday, August 9, 2010

What we've been up to lately...

We were woken up each morning in the Keys with these cuties wanting to play. Learned the following from these girls this past weekend:
1) Moms work much harder than daddies
2) Nap time= favorite time of the day for a busy mommy
3) These girls are WORK, but worth it:)

Evan had fun attempting to catch us some Florida Lobster, the credit mainly goes toMatt, who got pretty much all the catches, bc lobstering is HARD!

We spent Sunday afternoon cleaning and putting together the Bugaboo, the end product made me quite happy!

MMM, nothing like ending the night with some homemade pizza. This was our first time cooking our own pizza and it was very simple to make and delicious!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, the almost look like they could be sisters in that photo!!
