Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I made these cupcakes yesterday, about the only "halloweeny" thing going on in our house this weekend. Evan's on call all day and night and trying to think of a costume when you're 8 months pregnant is pretty useless.
Next year, I'll enjoy dressing baby C in something like:
or THIS. ooooh I want to order this one NOW!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

I love getting packages!

Especially these kind...thanks to Great Grandma Rose and Great Aunt Heidi for the beautiful baby boy layette from Saks, I can't wait to dress him in these fabulous clothes...I was especially excited about the Trumpette socks!

The knit hat and booties will be great for a trip to NYC to visit or a ski trip to Vail!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The After.

Colin's clothes are all tucked away ready to be worn. Sometimes I'll come in here and open the drawers and pull them out and hold them against my ever expanding tummy...i can't believe there will be a baby in these in 2 short months, can't wait!

On top of this dresser is where I plan on having his changing pad station.

The closet has finally been straightened up and there is now some room for C's clothes.
And Evan did finally clean up his stuff and send it off to Salvation Army so our guest/baby room is now restored. I'm going to get rid of that rug and probably just put a neutral colored round softer rug in it's place...

Oh and in case you forgot, here are the BEFORE PICS...

I still need to figure out what to do with that chair, I think it is heading to the dumpster. Replaced by my glider....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ta Da!

The crib is all ready for Baby C!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


According to UPS, my repaired camera should be here Tuesday.
If it were here now, I'd be taking pictures of our newly put together crib! Evan put it together last night ( it only took about 20 minutes to put together-awesome!).
I hinted last week to dad that our nursery bedding on our registry was on sale and he took the hint and ordered it for me- I love how it turned out and the crib fits so nicely into our room. No crowding at all, thank goodness for our spacious master bedroom! The "plan" is to keep the baby in the crib in our room until he sleeps through the night. I also hope it will be easier to move him bc he won't be changing beds, just rooms!

Yesterday, I hit 30 weeks pregnant, 10 more to go! One big change I felt earlier this week was what I like to call "my curtain opening" ( stolen from a girl in my prenatal yoga class). I woke up in the middle of the night and my entire pelvis was in pain and it was difficult to move from side to side. I never realized how much you use your pelvic muscles when laying down and are trying to change sides. I think I've gotten a big shot of the relaxin hormone which has caused my ligaments in my pelvic area to loosen; it could also be pressure from the babys head down? Regardless, I now understand the attractive waddle that women get later in's not just from having a big bump, but from the pelvic pain that happens later in pregnancy. This is suppposed to be a good thing, as it helps prepare my body to stretch for birth. In the meantime, it felt like someone has reached their hand up between my legs and stretched out my bones! It's gotten better than the first night, but it def. is still there. Another girl in PN yoga class yesterday, who is 39 weeks pregnant, knew exactly what I was talking about and says it doesn't go away....yay.